Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Julie Turns 9

It is so cool that as the kids get older, they can not only tell you what they want for their birthday parties, but they can also arrange them themselves! This year Julie told us exactly what she wanted. Friends for pedicures, dinner and a slumber party. She picked the friends, made the invitations and arranged everything.

And, as an added bonus, she has some pretty sweet friends. I had a blast chaperoning these girls to the pedi's. They were nothing but manners and giggles the whole time.
Dinner was just as great. A table for them, a table for us. These girls are the cutest.
 And you really can't beat the Madonna Inn cakes! Sadie had a hard time letting the big girls do their thing. But Julie let her help blow out the birthday candle, so all was well.
 Every day we are so proud of our big girl. She makes us laugh, makes us question and makes us better people. She has a heart of gold mixed with a little sass. We love you Julie Bess!

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