Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Star of the Week

This week Julie is "Star of the Week" in her class! She gets to bring in pictures of her and her family to put up on the board, and she gets to bring in a special thing to share with her friends every day.

And the best part (at least to a 3 year old) is she gets to be LINE LEADER!! Whenever they go anywhere, outside, lunch, other classrooms, wherever, she gets to be line leader. Every time we leave the house now, she sings "I need a straight line, straight line, straight line, I need a straight line...cha cha cha...."

As part of her "Star of the Week" duties, she had to answer these questions. She wrote her own name at the top, but she let mom help out with the rest.

I adore her answer for "My favorite activity with my family is LOVE" Seriously, that melted my heart into mush. She had a quick answer for all these questions, didn't have to think about them at all!

And she has a few of her My Little Ponies to bring in to share with her class tomorrow. She is beside herself excited. I asked her what she was going to tell her friends about them and she told me she couldn't say because I was not at school


Grandma Anne said...

"Love" as "Family Activity is Definitely a MELTER. Can't think of a better resume entry as Parent, than that. You both are fantastic parents and it is recognized and appreciated!!!!!! Love you all more than I can say

Beth McDermott said...

OMG, how FUN! Love is adorable... but close second... "play crocodile." I want to be a preschooler. And be as cool as Julie. ;)

Christina said...

Line Leader!!!

Hammie Fam said...

ADORABLE :) I wanna play crocodile too!!